Large parts of Scotland are covered in Peat Bogs, their presence is very important in the production of Whisky.
Peat lands, also known as bogs, are created when the remains of plants are submerged in waterlogged lands, turning them over time into peat with the plants carbon still stored inside.

Scotland has a particularly high coverage, with bogs amounting to 20% of it’s of land (roughly 1.7 million hectares) mainly in its lesser-populated north and western islands.
These peat layers have been formed over a period of 1000 to 5000 years by decayed vegetation and can be up to several meters thick. Each bog grows by approximately 1mm per year. So a bog of 3 metre thickness is approximately 3000 years old.
And therein lies the taste and value of the finest Scotch Whiskies that have been brewed from them.
What is also needed apart from the Peat itself is the Water that runs through it.. this water looks “Brown” dirty? but is in fact as pure as pure can be, it together with the peat it runs through is the magic which makes Whisky”
Some of the best “Peaty” Whiskies